Tuesday, June 29, 2010

John Hinckley's Poems

This first poem might be where Sondheim found some inspiration for "The Gun Song." These are excerpts of poems written by John Hinckley - used as evidence in his trial.

Guns are Fun!
See that living legend over there?
With one little squeeze of this trigger
I can put that person at my feet
moaning and groaning and pleading with God.

This gun gives me pornographic power.
If I wish, the president will fall
and the world will look at me in disbelief,

all because I own an inexpensive gun.
Guns are lovable, Guns are fun
Are you lucky enough to own one?

I Know a Girl

I know a girl who is beyond words;
I don't know her well but I know her.
I know she knows that I know her
and she knows that I love her.
I don't know her true feelings towards me
but she knows that I know her name.


Jodie isn't plastic nor does she
at the sight of me writhing in
down in the gutter of Anystreet USA
because Jodie will always be

Don't cry for me Arizona
the truth is
I brought it on myself
in a calculated way
and by means which
I would postively hurt
everyone around me.

The Painful Evolution

In the beginning
it was a time for pretending.
The martyr in me played games
and I was the young alienated loner.

Toward the middle,
I lied about pain and troubles.
It was a mere three years ago
that I played the part so well.

Nearing the bend,
I should have turned back.
I could have taken the road
that leads to meaningful existence.

In the end,
I cursed myself and suffered.
I have become what I wanted
to be all along, a psychotic poet.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for making the association!

    "It was a mere three years ago" - How fitting to be a Junior now.

    "I have become what I wanted to be all along" - Singifitcant


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