Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Concept of the Balladeer

Just wanted to highlight the "Balladeer" portion of the article Abdiel posted...

The Balladeer is the other conceptual character. He represents the American public and the American storytelling tradition, and so is portrayed as a folk singer, the only form of storytelling that has lasted through all the time periods represented in the show. From the founding of our country to the present, folk singers have passed on our stories. Other forms of storytelling have emerged as well, books, radio, movies, TV, video games, etc., but the folk singer endures. The key to the Balladeer lies in the fact that as stories are passed down from generation to generation, as they are turned into songs, plays, and other storytelling forms, they are, of necessity, simplified. Particularly in America, they are also infused with optimism and the inevitable triumph of good over evil. As the personification of these stories, the Balladeer embodies an intentionally shallow, over-simplified view of history. His winning smile, easy going manner, and theme park enthusiasm provide an important contrast to the darkness and driving intensity of the assassins, particularly in "The Ballad of Booth" and "Another National Anthem." He represents everything that the assassins hate about our country and in "Another National Anthem," they must silence him.

To further strengthen the Balladeer’s role, one production set him out in the audience during the opening number; he then began "The Ballad of Booth" from out in the house, reinforcing the idea that he represents the American people. He is us. He has our many prejudices and preconceptions about America and about the assassins; he is very clearly not an objective narrator

Monday, July 26, 2010


Just a great interview of Lynette Fromme from the 80's.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Assassination of Richard Nixon

Just watched this movie today. A film heavily based on the life of Sam Byck- played by Sean Penn. Some really good insight on what would drive an american man (or woman) to attempt an assassination. Check it out if you can!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Proprietor

Assassins includes characters who represent concepts. The Proprietor represents our country, run amok with violence, dissent, the refusal to understand complicated issues, and the adulation of wackos. We live in a country where the public applauds criminals whose crimes are strange enough to get them on the talk shows, where fame is happily bestowed on people who commit bizarre, violent acts against their spouses or stack up dead bodies in their cellar. The Proprietor is the personification of this upside-down world of ours, where we give disturbed individuals guns while we make sure they can’t achieve the rewards we’ve taught them to expect. They learn that committing a crime in a very public way is an easy path to fame and fortune. In the opening scene of Assassins, the Proprietor preys on each character’s individual insecurities, then offers them the one sure way to realize the American Dream – killing the president.

The Proprietor is a literal embodiment of the insanity of our modern world, a full blown – yet terribly seductive – psychopath. And as with many psychopaths, you can’t see it in him. Imagine all the rage, ambition, want, and resourcefulness of America all stuffed into one person. Frightening though he may be, the assassins find his messages enticing and his promises impossible to ignore.


-Thanks to ABDIEL

Background and Analysis by Scott Miller


Thanks to Christian!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Goodbye...adieu to the world. Go ahead, push the button."

The Attempted Assassination of FDR

JWB: Ballad of Booth

Ideas :
-towards the end... take off splint, to keep respect and honor
-Vulgar (b) High and Mighty Niggar Lover Never! Never, (b) Never, (b) Never. (b)


"Some say it was your voice had gone"
There's been some superficial theories that his voice was giving away on him, that he had not had the proper training that his older brother had had and that he had sort of reached his peak and there was nowhere else to go. - A&E Biography

"Some say it was booze"
In contrast the nations celebration of the war's end, he was known to be fairly drunk some of the time. He was drinking a quart of Brandy at a time. - A&E Biography

-It is also a country in which we want everything explained in ten-second sound bites. The Balladeer wants a neat and simple motive for John Wilkes Booth’s act of violence – bad reviews, sibling rivalry – but from the very beginning, Assassins declares that there are no easy answers. Booth believed in his cause, believed that the country he loved so deeply was being torn apart, believed that Lincoln was the cause.

The Case for Booth

The power of Assassins – like 1776 and other historical dramas – is its ability to make fully drawn human beings out of the one-dimensional cardboard figures of history books. In Assassins, John Wilkes Booth may be somewhat unbalanced thinking assassination will solve America’s troubles, but he honestly believes he is a patriot. He didn’t kill Lincoln for fame or glory; he killed him to save the country. Looking back, we may quarrel with Booth’s assessment of the state of the union, but it’s important to remember that Lincoln was a widely disliked president; he was not "the pride and joy... of all the U.S.A.," as the Balladeer sings. Booth’s indictments against him are true. Lincoln did throw political dissenters into prison without charge or trial. His decision to abolish slavery was more economic than moralistic. Booth loved his country deeply and saw quite accurately that it was on its deathbed. The issue of slavery is beside the point here. Though we can see in retrospect that slavery was unconscionable, it’s easy to see how it was condoned by society and by people like Booth; Thomas Jefferson and other very moral men owned slaves. From our modern vantage point, we can call Booth a racist, but at the time, his view of slavery was not outside society’s norm. All he could see was that Lincoln was effectively destroying the economy of the South.

The section of "The Ballad of Booth" that begins with "How the country is not what it was..." is profoundly moving. This is not a madman talking; this is a man who loves the U.S.A. and can’t bear to see it divided and its citizens murdered in a bloody war. Many historians have commented that had Booth killed Lincoln two years earlier, he might’ve been hailed as a hero instead. Are Booth’s concerns that different from those voiced by commentators today? Americans across our nation often feel that the president or other politicians are destroying our way of life. Booth wasn’t that different from the protesters during the Vietnam war. Certainly we can’t sanction his method of righting the perceived wrongs – cold-blooded murder – but we also can’t ignore the despair he must’ve felt over the destruction of his beloved country, a destruction that was very real. "The Ballad of Booth" can be a deeply moving, impassioned plea for understanding by a man who honestly believed he was doing what had to be done. Saddest of all in Booth’s hope that the history (i.e., the Balladeer) will pass on the truth; it won’t. Booth’s motivations, passions, and beliefs will be ignored or distorted.

What most people don’t know – what History (personified here by the Balladeer) has left out and distorted – is that John Wilkes Booth was at the top of his fame and wealthy beyond his dreams when he decided to give it all up to kill Lincoln. He’s being sincere when he says, "I have given up my life for this one act." And what he gave up was considerable – he was making about $20,000 a year, an incredible sum at that time. More than that, he was universally adored. He had tons of friends. He was friendly to both the rich ladies who craved his company and to the stable boys. He often gave money to kids on the street. When he dined out with friends, he usually picked up the bill. People thought of him as kind, charming, generous, and a genuinely good man. He absolutely did not kill Lincoln over bad reviews (he was getting stellar reviews) or a failing career (he was becoming an even bigger national star than his older brother) or the need for attention (he was always in the papers and was a big league celebrity wherever he went).

Booth’s motives were political and born out of a genuine and desperate love of his country. Yes, he was a racist, but then again, so were many of the greatest men in history – it’s naïve to condemn him for that any more than we would condemn Jefferson or Washington for it. That’s not say it’s excusable, but it is easy to understand. His racism had nothing to do with his hatred of Lincoln. He hated Lincoln for destroying his country, for killing thousands of American boys, and for trampling on the Constitution, taking powers from Congress that were not his to take. We now know that Abraham Lincoln desecrated in some ways the very foundation of our American government. He ignored – some would say overthrew – the careful construction of the three branches of government designed to hold each other in check, the structure our Founding Fathers so carefully created to avoid tyranny and corruption. He declared war without the approval of Congress. He threw innocent people into jail in both the North and the South without charges and without trials. And as a result, many people hated him, in both the North and the South. They believed he was destroying our country. So it wasn’t all that unreasonable for Booth to think he’d be hailed as a hero for killing Lincoln. Michael Phillips, producer of the political assassination film Taxi Driver, says, "The difference between a hero and a monster is such a fine line."

In "The Ballad of Booth" we can see Booth’s confusion and utter despair over the way the country turned its back on him (at least in his perception), as well as his great sorrow over the destruction of a country he loved with all his heart. He was misguided and he was a murderer – there’s no ignoring that fact – but he was also in many ways, very patriotic.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Taxi Driver Poster

Mr and Mrs. Hinckley's Defense Witness Statements at Trial

JoAnn Hinckley, Defense Witness

On direct examination:

John seemed to be going downhill, downhill, downhill and becoming more withdrawn, more antisocial, more depressed, and more down on himself. He was just discouraged and we were just terribly worried about him....We didn't know what was wrong, but we knew something wasn't right....We wanted John to be self-supporting, to be a happy child, to stand on his own two feet....The harder we tried to push him from us, the harder he tried to stay....

Dr. Hopper strongly advised us not to do it [to institutionalize John]. He talked us out of it....Dr. Hopper said, "No, don't do it. It will really make a cripple out of John if you put him in an institution."

[On the last trip with John to the Denver Airport, three days before the shootings:]
I broke down for the first time and gave him some money of my own. I just couldn't stand to see him go off without any money...[At the airport], John got out of the car and I couldn't even look at him. He said, "Well, Mom, I want to thank you for everything you've done for me." I said, "You're very welcome" and I said it so coldly...and then I drove off and that was the last I saw of John....On March 30, I received a telephone call. It was a reporter from the Washington Post. He said, "Mrs. Hinckley, do you have your television set on?....Did you know your son John Hinckley is the man they have identified as shooting the President?

Jack Hinckley, Defense Witness

On direct examination:

[ Jack Hinckley met John at the Denver Airport on March 7, 1981, and informed him of the family's decision to cut off his financial support. Testimony concerning that meeting follows:]

I prayed all the way [to the airport] that we were doing the right thing....He was in very bad shape. He needed a shave. He was wiped out. He could hardly walk from the plane. We sat down and I told him how disappointed I was in him. How he had let us down, how he had not followed the plan [for independence] we had all agreed on. He had left us no choice but to not take him back in the house again, but force him to go on his own. So that's what I did. I took him to his car which was parked at the airport. It was an old car and the radiator leaked. And I put some antifreeze in it and we got the car started. And I had a couple of hundred dollars with me that I had brought from the house. And I gave that to him and I suggested that he go to the YMCA. He said he didn't want to do that. I said, "Okay, you are on your own. Do whatever you want to do." In looking back on that, I'm sure it was the greatest mistake in my life. We forced him out at a time when he just couldn't cope. I am the cause of John's tragedy. I wish to God I could trade places with him right now.


John Hinckley's Poems

This first poem might be where Sondheim found some inspiration for "The Gun Song." These are excerpts of poems written by John Hinckley - used as evidence in his trial.

Guns are Fun!
See that living legend over there?
With one little squeeze of this trigger
I can put that person at my feet
moaning and groaning and pleading with God.

This gun gives me pornographic power.
If I wish, the president will fall
and the world will look at me in disbelief,

all because I own an inexpensive gun.
Guns are lovable, Guns are fun
Are you lucky enough to own one?

I Know a Girl

I know a girl who is beyond words;
I don't know her well but I know her.
I know she knows that I know her
and she knows that I love her.
I don't know her true feelings towards me
but she knows that I know her name.


Jodie isn't plastic nor does she
at the sight of me writhing in
down in the gutter of Anystreet USA
because Jodie will always be

Don't cry for me Arizona
the truth is
I brought it on myself
in a calculated way
and by means which
I would postively hurt
everyone around me.

The Painful Evolution

In the beginning
it was a time for pretending.
The martyr in me played games
and I was the young alienated loner.

Toward the middle,
I lied about pain and troubles.
It was a mere three years ago
that I played the part so well.

Nearing the bend,
I should have turned back.
I could have taken the road
that leads to meaningful existence.

In the end,
I cursed myself and suffered.
I have become what I wanted
to be all along, a psychotic poet.

Monday, June 28, 2010

JWB: A&E Biography Notes

Melodious voice

Know for impulse acting…he was the passionate one…the richard the 3rd…
He was known for his physical prowess on stage, very athletic, very live, very impulsive, very passionate. And in his roles, be it Romeo or Richard the 3rd, he was known for his swashbuckling abilities. And he fit the part. He dressed accordingly. And he acted his own way.

John was not known for preparing well. In fact there is a story about him pacing up and down the floors of a Philadelphia boarding house, while he was with the Archstreet Stock Company, marching up and down saying "I must have fame…fame." And his friends all wondered how he was going to get it if he didn't work for it.

In 1862, he performed in Saint Louis, Chicago, Baltimore, New York, Boston, Louisville, Lexington, and Cincinnati. He was Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello and Romeo. Appearing 167 times, Booth played 18 different roles in the course of a single year. Booth flourished during the war. He would play in a given theatre for a week, supported by the stock company and then move on to another theatre. He would sometimes make $1,000 dollars a night. He was a very young star, being around 24, 25 years old.

He played Richard the 3rd on November 2nd, 1863 & Romeo on May 7th, 1864.

An avid reader of the newspaper.

Seemingly in the peek of his carrier, Booth's main focus drifted away from acting. There's been some superficial theories that his voice was giving away on him, that he had not had the proper training that his older brother had had and that he had sort of reached his peak and there was nowhere else to go. I have a sneaking suspicion that his confederate sympathies were taking over. He realized that his beloved South was going down hill. I think his strong Maryland background kicked in.

At Ford's Theatre in Washington D.C., ten days before Lincoln gave his famous speech at Gettysburg, he saw Booth perform in the "Marble Heart". Lincoln asked Booth to come back and see him later- that he wanted to shake hands with him and it is said that Booth said "I would rather have the applause of a nigger."

Booth apparently had tired of acting. He was determined, finally, to react to the war. In october he traveled to a northern hotbed of Southern Sympathies, Montreal, Canada. After meeting with confederate agents, Booth returned to Maryland and began slowly to assemble a plan to kidnap Abraham Lincoln. His horrible plot had a humanitarian appeal. Booth hoped to trade he President back to the US in exchange for confederate prisoners of war hopelessly trapped in northern prison camps.

In contrast the nations celebration of the war's end, he was known to be fairly drunk some of the time. He was drinking a quart of Brandy at a time. He was unhappy with history. He could not accept the outcome of the Civil War and he hoped to do something to change it. JWB and some of his fellow conspirators were in the crowd gathered on April 11th at the White House. Abraham Lincoln spoke and suggested a newly reconstructed government offer the right to vote to African American citizens. This outraged Booth, he said, "This means nigger citizen chip, now i'm going to get him. That's the last speech he'll ever make." So 3 days later when he heard Lincoln was going to be attending a play at Ford's Theatre I think he began to make his plans for an assassination.

It was known within Booth's family that he was secretly engaged to wed. He's fiance's family would not have preferred their marriage, Lucy Hale's was the daughter of a US senator.

After several shots of whiskey. He went to the Ford theatre that night.

There's no reason to think that there was anything wrong with John Wilkes Booth. He just hated Lincoln. And at a time he was a true believer. He believed in the cause of the South. And this was a time when hundreds of thousands of American men were willing to kill and to die for what they believed in. Booth saw himself as a southern solider. And he saw his act as an act of war.

"I love peace more than life. I have loved the Union beyond expression. For four years I have waited, hoped and prayed for the dark clouds to break and for a restoration of our former sunshine. To wait longer would be a crime. All hope of peace is dead. God's will be done, I go to see and share the bitter end." - JWB

Sunday, June 27, 2010

JWB: Youtube on Ballad of Booth

ASSASSINS- Ballad of Booth (Scene #2)
-tearing out pages from diary

Ballad of Booth from Assassins
-a moment of consideration of leaving, giving up or stopping Harold when he leaves

Assassins- The Ballad of Booth
-emphasizing the "e" vowel on the first "Never"

Assassins pt. 2 - Ballad of Booth

FabioVagnarelli - The Ballad of Booth da "Assassins"

Assassins Part 2 - The Ballad of Booth Parts 1 & 2

Victor Garber - Ballad of Booth
-"let it mingle with the ashes of the country" sounds like weeping
last time- "the country is not _ what _ it was"

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Video of Hickley's Assassination Attempt


Basic Hinckley Info

John Hinckley

John HinckleyAKA John Warnock Hinckley, Jr.

Born: 29-May-1955
Birthplace: Ardmore, OK

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Assassin

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Took a shot at President Reagan

Wacko psychopath who stalked Jodie Foster for a time, while she was at Yale. He became obsessed with her after seeing her in Taxi Driver (1976), and began writing her letters and love poems, even scoring a couple of chats on the phone with her. Hinckley believed that by assassinating the President of the United States, he would win her love and respect. At the time, that official was Jimmy Carter. Hinckley went to a couple of his campaign stops in 1980, only to be arrested for attempting to bring firearms onto an airplane in Nashville in October 1980. For a few months, he lived with his parents, and was cut off at his psychiatrist's suggestion after failing to find a job.

Meanwhile, Carter lost the election and Ronald Reagan was elected. At the end of March he took a bus to Washington, D.C., arriving on 29 March. Hinckley stayed up late that night, composing a letter to his lady love, detailing his plan to assassinate the President. The following day, he went to a labor convention at the Washington Hilton, where Reagan was scheduled to speak. He fired several shots from a .22 at Ronald Reagan, striking him once under the left armpit. He also critically injured press secretary James Brady, and injured Secret Service Agent Timothy J. McCarthy and Washington DC Police Officer Thomas K. Delahanty. A copy of The Catcher in the Rye was found in Hinckley's hotel room.

While awaiting trial, Hinckley tried to commit suicide by overdosing on Tylenol on 29 May 1982, but failed. In August he was indicted for the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan, only to be found not guilty by reason of insanity on 21 June 1982.

In 1999 he was allowed the right to trips outside the hospital, supervised by the Secret Service. In April 2000, he won the right to unsupervised furloughs, only to have this privilege revoked when guards found a book about Jodie Foster in his room.

Father: John Hinckley
Mother: Jo Ann Moore Hinckley
Brother: Scott B. Hinckley
Sister: Diane

Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver

Letter to Jodie Written Immediately Before Assassination Attempt

    Dear Jodie:

      There is definitely a possibility that I will be killed in my attempt to get Reagan. It is for this very reason that I am writing you this letter now.

      As you well know by now I love you very much. Over the past seven months I've left you dozens of poems, letters and love messages in the faint hope that you could develop an interest in me. Although we talked on the phone a couple of times I never had the nerve to simply approach you and introduce myself. Besides my shyness, I honestly did not wish to bother you with my constant presence. I know the many messages left at your door and in your mailbox were a nuisance, but I felt that it was the most painless way for me to express my love for you.

      I feel very good about the fact that you at least know my name and how I feel about you. And by hanging around your dormitory, I've come to realize that I'm the topic of more than a little conversation, however full of ridicule it may be. At least you know that I'll always love you. Jodie, I would abandon the idea of getting Reagan in a second if I could only win your heart and live out the rest of my life with you, whether it be in total obscurity or whatever.

      I will admit to you that the reason I'm going ahead with this attempt now is because I cannot wait any longer to impress you. I've got to do something now to make you understand, in no uncertain terms, that I'm doing all of this for your sake! By sacrificing my freedom and possibly my life, I hope to change your mind about me. This letter is being written only an hour before I leave for the Hilton Hotel. Jodie, I'm asking you to please look into your heart and at least give the chance, with this historical deed, to gain your love and respect.

      I love you forever,

      John W. Hickley


Woody Guthrie

JWB: Fencing

Friday, June 18, 2010

JWB: Hunt for John Wilkes Booth Notes

A fellow actor said, when his passions were up there appeared to be flames coming out of his eyes.

JWB hears about the presidential visit when he picks up his mail at Fords that day. The Maryland actor is friends with the Ford Family; he knows the theatre's every detail. JWB believes that fate has put the President he so despises at his mercy.

He felt that the country had always existed half slave and half free and could continue to do so indefinitely. He was convinced Lincoln was turning into a dictator.

Destiny. Remembered.

When Booth arrives just before 10pm the play is in the 3rd Act. One of the actresses on stage later said she notices Booth at the back of the 1st floor crowd and when she finished her scene she looked up and he was gone. Booth is making his way to the second level of the theatre, moving slowly along the back wall toward the President's box. He didn't appear to be nervous, although he did ignore and pass by a few friends and they thought that was odd later that he didn't acknowledge them as he walked by. He was dressed in an ordinary black business suit and had his trademark slouch hat on. There was a police man who had accompanied the Lincoln party to the theatre, God knows where he was, but Lincoln's valet, Charles Forbes, was sitting in front of the outer door to the box. Booth pauses for a moment, looks at the stage, scans the audience, and then takes a pack of calling cards from his pocket, he gives one to Forbes. Once inside the box, Booth has unimpeded access to Lincoln.

He comes from the balcony, into that first door, shuts the door and then [standing in the passage way] he takes a wooden bar and jams the door shut so he's now actually barricaded inside with the President's party. He walked over to the other door, the door to box number 8, took one or tow steps inside and then fired point blank at the President hitting him in the back of the head. The shot echoes through the quiet theatre. The stunned audience looks up towards the President. Some believe the sound is part of the show. Henry Rathbone jumps to his feet, Booth pulls a knife and slashes Rathbone across his left arm cutting him to the bone. Then Booth went right between the President's chair and Mrs. Lincolns' chair, put his hand on the flag draped railing infront and vaulted right over onto the stage more than 12 feet below. However, when he was leaping a spur from his booth caught some of the decoration around the President's box and it meant that Booth landed awkwardly on the stage and broke the fibula in his left leg. He set himself, stood up, and raised that dagger over his head and cried "Sic Semper Tyrannis!" (Thus always to tyrants). It was a phrase the he thought was going to explain everything.

30 miles south east of the capital, now with David Harold on horse, they are finding trouble…Booth needs a doctor to set his broken leg. He realized that the previous year when he was down in Charles County he had met a doctor, Doctor Samuel Mudd and even spent the night at Doctor Mudd's house. But making their way at night is difficult; they become lost; the don't find Doctor Mudd's house until 4 am. He had broken his fibula, that's the smaller bone in the lower leg. He gets moved upstairs, his booth is cut off. Mudd makes a crude leg splint and a crutch from some wood. Booth falls asleep. Harold has breakfast with Mudd never divulging who they are or what they've done. Mudd left the next morning and heard the news, then understanding that those men were in his house with his wife and 4 children. On Mudd's way back he saw the men leaving, he yelled at them, Booth pleaded not to tell they were there. Mudd protecting his family went back home.

Booth and Harold wanted to reach the Potomac River. To get there they have to crossed the notorious Zekiah swamp. They need to cross the swamp to the river to get into Virginia, the South. By night fall, they are lost. They pound on doors hoping to find someone who can lead them across the swamp. Oswell Swan, a freed black man is persuaded to take them across. They tell him they need to reach the home of Samuel Cox. The men didn't know Cox personally but they knew he was considered the chief rebel in the area. They crossed around midnight. Cox tells him that he will help them and will contact a man who helps fugitives get across the Potomac River.

Booth and Harold continue on through the swamp. Waiting several days letting the Calvary charge pursuit go passed him. What's worrisome for Booth is that the horse he rented was skittish and hatted to be tied up, so when he tied her up she broke free and if that horse had been seen/found by the calvary everyone would have known he was not far away. So Harold took both of the horses in the swamps deep waters, shot the horses and sank their caucuses into the water.

In a pine thicket, near the Zekiah swamp, they meet Thomas Jones, Cox's friend, who gives them food, blankets, and most importantly newspapers. Writers who had wondered when this tyrant (Lincoln) would meet his Brutus…are now railing about the assassination. Portraying Booth in drawings as having been friends or supporting the Devil. What really got booth is that some people were calling him a coward for seeking behind an unarmed man and shooting him in the back of the head. He carried a day book and started to use it as a diary. Booth didn't want to be caught, but he did want to the world to know what he had done and why he had done it.

After 5 days of hiding in the swamp, Booth and Harold make there way to the woods along side the Potomac River. They can see Virginia on the other side and believe if they can make it across they will be safe.

Thomas Jones gives them a row boat to cross the river. He also gives Booth a compass and tells them to go South East for 9 miles, which should take them to a home of a confederate operative. They had to cross it in the darkness to not be seen by all the people on the river looking for them. Booth holds a candle to study his compass so they can stay on course. They rowed right by a warship, they pulled the ors in and move passed them. Because of the current moving north, 8 hours from leaving, they were right where they started from. They had to wait for the next night.

The following night they make it across. They instruction from Jones to find a woman called Mrs. Elizabeth Quesenberry, a confederate operative and she ends up offering them no help at all but a little food. No one wanted to be seen as a confederate sympathizer at this time. They next try the home of Doctor Richard Stuart, who has known for helping confederate soldiers. He did not want anything to do with them. Having killed Lincoln after the war was seen as foul play to even confederates. Doctor Stuart sends the men to a freed black man's house, William Lucas. Booth threatened Lucas with a knife to let him sleep in his home that night. The Lucas family slept outside.

They threaten the son of a freed black man to give them a ride further south to a fairy in the town of port conway, virginia. Once there, waiting for the fairy, three confederate soldiers on horse coming back from the war, end up talking with the men and the news comes up. They agreed to help them get farther South. They tell them that they know a farm that they will probably be safe, the farm of Richard Garret. Two miles down the road. One of the 3 men was a young man who was enthralled that Booth was there, he asked him about the assassination and all Booth said was that "It's nothing to brag about."

He told Garret that he as a confederate soldier who was wounded and making his way back from the war. They received him openly. The next day they are all outside, the men hide because a calvary races by them. Now Garret is starting to be confused and concerned that they would steal their horses. They invited them a second night, but that they must leave in the morning and they were to stay in the Tobacco barn instead of the house. One of Garret's sons locks the men in the barn, without them knowing, so that they wouldn't steal a horse in the middle of the night.

2 am, April 26, 1865….25 men from the NY 16th Calvary arrived at the Garret farm, under the command of Lieutenant Edward Daughtry. The surround the farm house and demand the family to come outside. No one was saying anything. And then the oldest son cries, "whoever you're looking for it's probably those guys who are locked in the barn!"

The Barn has wide planks with wide gaps in-between for curing tobacco leaves. Garret and his neighbors stored furniture in it during the civil war and that's why his barn, unlike most in the area, has a lock on it. The soldiers force the same son, Jack Garret, to unlock the barn. The soldiers surround the barn, they say is the pair doesn't surrender they will burn the barn to the ground. Booth says, you better come in and get me/you brave boys, come in and get me. After about 10 minuets of the soldiers screaming, David Harold tells Booth that he's had enough. At first Booth says that he will kill him before he lets him out of the barn. But in a moment he changes his mind, he calls Harold a coward and tells Harold to go. Before Harold leaves, Booth grabs him and whispers, "whatever you do, don't tell them i have arms." Booth still has two pistols and the spencer carbine they picked up 12 days ago at the home of Mary Surratt. Booth was disappointed with Harold's decision, but yelled "this man had nothing to do with me."

Though the soldiers are told to take Booth alive, those who were there that night said their desire for revenge made it practically a mob scene. They light the barn in effort to get him to come out. Despite the flames starting to reach the ceiling, Booth still refuses to surrender. Booth said, "Alright my boys, prepare a stretcher for me.

Booth with no where else to go, drops his crutch and starts moving towards the door with the spencer carbine pointed at the door. We guess he was going to shoot his way out. Then outside, Boston Corrbett sees Booth raise the carbine, he levels his pistol between the slats of the tobacco barn and takes aim for his arm, but shoots him on the right side of the neck. Booth being paralyzed, he is carried to the front porch and for the next couple of hours he goes in and out of consciousness. He was shot through the neck vertebra. He asked them several times to kill him. And in his final moments, he said "Tell mother, I did it for my country." And he then asked them to lift up his hands, so he could say "useless, useless" and die.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thursday, June 10, 2010

JWB: Named after John Wilkes


JWB: Physical Traits

Height 5 feet 8 inches
weight 160 pounds
compact built

eyes black, and heavy dark eye-brows
right eyebrow...scar
hair jet black, inclined to cruel, medium length, parted behind
when talking inclines his head forward
looks down

mangeled thumb
wears a large seal ring on little finger

During the winter seasons, the Booth children attended boarding school in Cockeysville, Md., where Wilkes seemed to be more interested in causing mischief than studying. His friends called him "Billy Bowlegs" to tease him; they knew that he wore long coats whenever possible to conceal that trait.

About Bowlegs:


Physical prowess on stage, very athletic, very live, very impulsive, very passionate.

Swashbuckling abilities

After the deed:
Broke the fibula in his left leg (Dr. Samuel A. Mudd treated him by cutting his left boot off, setting his leg and wrappinga piece of wood around it as a splint)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

JWB: What Would Lincoln Say

What has (would) Lincoln said (say) about all this:

‘Everybody’s got the Right’

"Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be."
"My dream is of a place and a time where America will once again be seen as the last best hope of earth."
"The probability that we may fail in struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just."

Scene 2

"Truth is generally the best vindication against slander."
"As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."


Sounds like something JWB would say…

"The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise -- with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disentrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country."
(December 1, 1862 Message to Congress)


Sounds like something JWB would be frustrated with…

“The time comes upon every public man when it is best for him to keep his lips closed.”
“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.”
“I hope to stand firm enough to not go backward, and yet not go forward fast enough to wreck the country's cause."

JWB: The Story of Abraham Lincoln's Murderer by Joseph Geringer Notes

Skeletons in the Closet

John Wilkes Booth was born on May 10, 1838 in a large log cabin set in a clearing among the lilac-strewn primeval forests of northern Maryland, not far below the Pennsylvania border.

He was the ninth child...

In town, he would listen wide-eyed to the stories of old men who had taken part in the American Revolution; he found their courage in the face of British bayonets fascinating.

His parents promoted this sort of inspiration, his father being related to England's agitator-statesman John Wilkes (for whom Wilkes was named) and his mother a hopeless romantic. In fact, the latter had told him that, on the night he was born, she had asked God to give her a hint of what her son's future held in store for him. In answer, she saw the flames in the open hearth form the image of letters that, as she studied them, spelled the word "country." This, she believed, meant that he was to endure the fires of persecution, but emerge as patriot in the final act.

In her memoirs of her brother, Asia Booth recalls this episode in verse:

"...I implore to know on this ghostly night
Whether t'will labor for wrong, or right,
For — or against Thee?
The flame up-leapt
Like a wave of blood, an avenging arm crept
Into shape; and COUNTRY shone out in the flame..."

Squire Booth

A small graveyard edged the property; here lay several of the Booth children (Henry, Mary Ann, Frederick and Elizabeth) who died when yellow fever swept the East.

After the farming work was done for the day, Squire Junius brought his family together before Tudor Hall's roaring parlor fire to pour over dramas and sagas from the Booth bookshelves. He demanded that his brood be well-versed in the arts and social graces. He would make his surviving children — Junius, Rosalie, Edwin, Asia, Wilkes and Joseph — memorize sonnets and soliloquies from Shakespeare and other masters, then recite them evenings for the rest of the family. Son Edwin, who was five years older than Wilkes and who often "chaperoned" his father on the road, had no trouble learning them. Neither did Wilkes, who it was said memorized entire dramas as most children his age learned nursery rhymes.

That Wilkes was his father's pet was no secret, not even to Edwin. He showered the boy with compliments and gifts, calling him a beautiful boy, and fostering what he saw as a high spirit, reminiscent of the patriot John Wilkes he was christened after. The other children did not complain, for they too saw in their brother the same dramatic fire and energy that moved their own beloved "Papa June."

A Gypsy's Prophecy

During the winter seasons, the Booth children attended boarding school in Cockeysville, Md., where Wilkes seemed to be more interested in causing mischief than studying. His friends called him "Billy Bowlegs" to tease him; they knew that he wore long coats whenever possible to conceal that trait.

During summers on The Farm, however, he had few friends. Most of his siblings were older than he (Edwin had embarked on a stage career of his own), and Wilkes often turned for entertainment to the many ballades and novels his father had given him. On these glorious pages he discovered Ivanhoe, Hawkeye, William Tell, Robin Hood, Sir Lancelot, Don Quixote...heroes of the highest caliber whose colorful lives he wanted to emulate.

His closest friend became his sister, Asia, to whom he confided his dreams of adventure. She would often see him midsummer nights, ripping his father's horse Peacock down Churchville Road, a twig for a lance, shouting oaths to the trees that he fashioned as fire-breathing dragons or Cyclopes.

It was with Asia that he attended a carnival in Harford County one autumn evening. Townsfolk from Bel Air and other neighboring burghs came out to enjoy the festivities. One of the sideshows that attracted the teenage Wilkes was a Gypsy fortune teller; amusedly, he wandered into her wagon. But, once she began reading his palm, his smile faded. Her prophesy was one of bad fortune: "Your lines are all criss-crass," she told him. "You will live a charmed life, but it will be brief and you will die violently." The old hag's words frightened him. Asia laughed off the experience, but to Wilkes, who recalled his mother's vision the night he was born — those rhetorical flames — the Gypsy's words were all too poignant.

Asia had been observing, While her family had never shown any prejudice toward the few Negroes they hired out seasonally to harvest the fields — indeed Junius had always treated them like his sons — Wilkes began complaining of having to eat his meals with them after the day's work. This sudden haughtiness, she felt, seemed to mirror the "master" and "slave" relationships of the Deep South. What they both did not understand at the time was that this prejudice was the first visible evidence of a bad root slinking below the surface towards what the Gypsy said would become manifest.

Stage Struck

Brother Edwin, now a full-blown matinee idol, was fast inheriting his father's thespian mantle...Letters sent home from Edwin...Wilkes, at home, grew dizzy with jealousy. "Fame, I must have fame!" he would rave to anyone who listened.

Asia had by this time acquainted the city's top theatrical comedian, J. Sleeper Clarke, and Wilkes began pestering Asia to have Clarke procure for him a role in one of his productions. Persistence paying off, Clarke talked the city's Charles Street Theatre into offering Wilkes, then 17, the hefty role of Lord Richmond in Richard III. Wilkes moaned and droned his lines like an amateur. Critics were kind, but audiences brutalized him with insulting laughter and catcalls. He swore he would never return to the platform. Clarke, on Asia's persistence, tutored him. After Clarke and Asia married and moved to Philadelphia in 1859, Clarke convinced the management of the Arch Street Theatre to cast Wilkes in a potpourri of supporting roles. Of his own volition, the boy chose to use the moniker John Wilkes so as not to dishonor the Booth name further.

If audiences didn't laugh his pupil offstage they hissed him off. In The Gamester, fellow actors had to carry Wilkes off after he froze with stage fright. Then there was the time he was played an Italian courtier named Petruchio Pandolfe in the play, Lucretia Borgia, opening night Wilkes entered to the roll of drums: "Allow me to offer my services, Countess of the House of Borgia, for I will fight the enemy battering your borders! I am yours! I am Petru...." and he blanked. Mumbling incoherences, he finally lost composure, turned to a fellow actor and blurted, "Drat it! Who the hell am I?" A tumult of guffaws sent him racing for the wings.

Women theatre goers alarmed at his dark good looks and would tarry near the stage entrance after performances to steal a closer peek as he exited.

The Romantic South

His brother Edwin had come forward with a proposition to give Wilkes' sagging career a boost. Peopling a theatre troupe for an upcoming tour, he invited Wilkes to join him. The troupe would perform in several major cities in the geographic South...one condition: that Wilkes no longer hide behind an illegitimate name...the Booth name could open many new doors. It was a powerful name, Booth.

On the tour, no one laughed at this "J. Wilkes Booth" this time. Rather, he displayed a figure and an aire that glowed Stage Presence. His sudden onstage elegance, nurtured no doubt by Edwin, fit well with the romantic-minded Southern society that saw in him one of their own. Backstage, he became the darling of many Southern actresses.

Wilkes developed, almost overnight, a kinship with the South because of the laurels expended on him there. He became a devotee of their own devotions — of preserved traditions and states' rights — and soon became a political bedfellow. He linked to them, and they to him. He became their Adonis, the epitome of the Southern gentry in silk stock tie and with gifted swordhand. Secreted political parleys supporting slavery, games of whist dealt in posh riverboat salons, masqued balls, moonlight kisses under magnolias, and ruffled petticoats...he hadn't trouble getting involved in any of them.

While riding the crest professionally, Wilkes straddled the political fence for a direction and, weighing the balance, came to the conclusion that the North was the bully. He often made his opinions public, much to the embarrassment of Edwin, a staunch Unionist. He argued how Southern voice was muffled in Congress; how tradition should be maintained despite modernity's pressures; how Northern abolitionists like Brown had no right to interfere with the way others lived below Mason and Dixon's Line. And when the acting troupe came to Richmond, Va., he quickly joined a local militia called the Richmond Greys, a political party founded on the preservation of the Old Tradition. When the Greys were summoned to serve as Honor Guard at Brown's execution, Wilkes donned his uniform of gold and gray and marched alongside his brethren to the Charlestown train, fifes and drums blaring and a mob cheering them onward. But, he later reported, he found the experience of watching Brown hang to be an auspicious moment. The "old man up there" spoke of a forthcoming torch that would spark the gunpowder of war. For the first time, Wilkes felt himself being enmeshed in something much bigger than the death of one mad abolitionist. The Gypsy's prophesy haunted him once again.

Civil War

Wilkes did not enlist to fight, and that fact rankled his conscience. There were two reasons he did not. First, he had promised his mother to avoid the battlefield; she still grieved over the death of Junius and could not face the possibility of losing her sons. Also, he had become a major theatrical star who, as he himself recognized, owed much of his popularity to his looks. A scarred face would ruin that.

But, because he was a star, he also realized he could use his influence to benefit his beloved Confederacy. Theatres on the circuit included The Holliday in Baltimore, The Academy in Cleveland, Wood's in Cincinnati, McVicker's in Chicago, and other playhouses throughout the North. He moved in and around high society with grace and at any time of day or night, in any neighborhood, he could travel unquestioned. The name Booth, as Edwin suggested, opened doors. Who better than he could relay messages back and forth to and from Confederate agents planted throughout the North?

He joined a network of spies and smugglers known as the Knights of the Golden Circle, operating between Richmond and Montreal, Canada. Relentlessly, the group implemented many underground activities, including blockade-smashing efforts along the East Coast and the disbursement of medicines (largely quinine and laudanum) down from Canada, through Union lines, thence to Virginia. The Knights also managed a secret mail route throughout the North and were largely responsible for inciting the New York Draft Riots that burned down blocks of Manhattan.

That Wilkes was a Southern sympathizer was common knowledge. He made his opinions known vocally throughout especially Washington City and wore his sentiments like a gaudy cloak. For this reason, fewer and fewer theatre managers refused to put him on their bill. At a production of The Apostate at Ford's Theatre, Wilkes learned that Lincoln was in the private box stage left; whenever his character Pescara spoke of oppression or revenge, Wilkes intentionally threw those lines in Lincoln's direction. Mary Todd, Lincoln's wife, was reported to have commented that the experience left her uncomfortable.

When in Washington, he resided at the elite National Hotel on 6th Street, not far from the Capitol Building. Its saloon was a hangout for "Secesh" — or Secessionist — gentlemen of leisure. Day and night it rumbled with war talk. It was here that, under iridescent glow of oil lamp, many an intrigue was hatched by members of the Knights of the Golden Circle.

A Strange Conspiracy

It may have been in the smoke-filled saloon at the National Hotel that the wildest conspiracy of all time began. No one knows for sure where or when exactly it evolved. But, sometime around Christmas of 1864, when the nation had already bloodied itself by four years of war, Wilkes devised a plan to kidnap President Lincoln.

"Something great and decisive had to be done," Wilkes wrote in his diary. He determined that if Lincoln were captured and hustled away to Richmond, Va. — the Confederate capital 100 miles south of Washington — he would draw quite a large ransom. Specifically, terms would demand return of all captured Confederate soldiers rotting in Union prison camps, as well as desperately needed artillery and powder. Their manpower rejuvenated and their armament restored, the South would have a renewed chance to regain control. Wilkes ascertained that the Union, joltingly discouraged by its setback, might wish to compromise.

It was a mad, balloon-headed plan. But Wilkes, who saw himself as a hero in those novels he read as a child, believed he could pull it off. Strangely enough, it now appears that he had been fluent enough to convince even the brilliant leaders of the Southern Underground for support, though not necessarily garner the approval of the Confederate legislature.

It was a last-ditch stand. In Washington, he assembled a local crew of devoted but motley allies to staff his kidnapping plot. This small band consisted of: Samuel Blaine Arnold and Michael O'Laughlen, two boyhood friends from Baltimore who had served in the war but had had enough of starving and death; George Atzerodt, a drunken German immigrant who ran a ferry boat, something they would require to carry their prize across the Rappahanock River into Virginia; Lewis Paine, a drifter from Florida; and David Herold, an immature star-struck boy from the tenements of Washington. Wilkes also had the fortune to befriend John Harrison Surratt, a young but respected member of the Knights of the Golden Circle. Surratt served as emissary between Wilkes and the Southern Underground.

Their loyalty to Booth was insured by money, and Booth could pay handsomely for services well done. In 1865, his yearly salary neared $12,000, a tremendous sum for the mid-19th Century. The conspirators usually met at Surratt's mother's boarding house at 541 H Street, near the federal district of the city.

It is very apropos that Wilkes' first kidnapping attempt took place at a theatre. Lincoln had scheduled to attend a performance of Jack Cade, or The Kentish Revolution on the evening of January 18, 1865, at Ford's Theatre. That evening, the State Box, overlooking stage left, was decorated in flags and bunting, awaiting the President's arrival.

The conspirators assembled early to take their positions. At a particular moment in the play, one man would extinguish the house gas lamps; at the same time, two others (including Wilkes) would enter the private box (habitually unguarded and unlocked); while one man held the other occupants at bay, Wilkes would knock the President unconscious and lower him in darkness onto the stage below where the remaining abductors would drag the ragamuffin out to a covered buckboard. Then, it would be a bee-line out of Washington, across the Anacostia Bridge and on a direct route towards Virginia. Abettors' residences would conceal them along the way.

Detained by business, the President never showed. But, to the would-be kidnappers, his absence meant one thing. They were suspect! Scrambling out, they retreated to their own abodes where, alone, they expected reprisal. After the night passed without further incident, however, they realized their paranoia and reconvened the following day.

Days turned into weeks and no other opportunity presented itself. Lincoln, having won a second term of Office, was reinaugurated on March 4. Shielded under the Capitol's gargantuan portico from a downpour, he addressed a throng blackening the plaza with umbrellas. 'With malice toward none and charity for all..." His words swept on the wind and into the annals of history. Above him on a buttress, within spitting distance, was Wilkes, one in a crowd of dignitaries with free passes. Silently, Wilkes listened to the man whose words of reconciliation and forgiveness meant nothing. "What an opportunity I had to kill him!" Wilkes reported later.

But, he had chosen to wait, and watch. And continue to court the dark-haired Bessie Lambert Hale, daughter of a New Hampshire senator, whom he met the previous year. It was through her he had received the ringside spot at the Inauguration. What has since evaded the logic of historians is why Wilkes would, despite her charm, chase the daughter of a Northern senator. After all, his own station allowed him social approval; he didn't require a liaison. But, court her he did, and sought and won betrothal. Marriage plans were put on hold because her father had just received a commission as Ambassador to Spain and wanted his family to accompany him for a while, at least until he was settled.

What tender words he whispered in her ears obviously hid his double-life. On March 20, as things became more desperate for the South — Richmond was now besieged and expected to surrender any day — Wilkes called his "enterprise," as he called it, together one more time. He had read that Lincoln was to attend a benefit at the U.S. Soldiers Convalescent Home in suburban Georgetown. The path the executive carriage would take, Wilkes learned, would be through a stretch of woodland on the outskirts of the city. But, as the company waited at a deserted crossing at a half-way point, Lincoln had changed his agenda. Instead, he chose to attend a function back in Washington...in the lobby of Wilkes' hotel.

Over the Edge

Headlines on April 10, 1865, splashed the celebratory words sea to sea: WAR IS ENDED. To the North, it was splendid news. To the South, it was bittersweet — their cause was lost, but they had borne the brunt of ruin and poverty and death. They were thankful if their sons, brothers and fathers were coming home alive. To a few the news brought resentment. To Wilkes it brought rage.

To avoid being bottlenecked in crumbling Richmond, General Lee had made a vainglorious attempt to sidestep the surrounding Union Army besieging Richmond. For a week, Northern General Ulysses S. Grant pursued closely. Then, near the little village of Appomattox, Va., he lassoed the fox. Unable to retreat, Lee surrendered.

Washington turned out to party. On the White House grounds the frenzy reached a delightful high when President Lincoln appeared in an upstairs window to greet the crowds that formed outside. Wilkes remained with co-conspirator Lewis Paine behind the mob and scowled, "That is the last speech he will ever make."

During the war, whenever pressure overwhelmed, President Lincoln would escape with his wife to one of Washington's two central playhouses, Ford's or Grovers. Some considered this behavior irreverent in the wake of a shooting war. But, no one criticized him now that the conflict had ended. He had aged terribly in four years, the pain of worry scarring his features, so when it was announced on Friday, April 14, that he would attend Ford's Theatre to see the celebrated comedy, Our American Cousin, the nation considered his respite well earned. Tonight, Lincoln would rest.

Wilkes learned of the President's coming when he stopped at Ford's at noon to pick up his mail, where he kept a post box. He noticed carpenters preparing Box 7 with the usual regalia and understood what that meant. He raced out to find his brigands.

Arnold and O'Laughlen, he learned, had returned to Baltimore, disinterested in further enterprise. John Surratt was nowhere to be seen. (Actually, he was in Canada on a final mission for the Underground.) Wilkes was able to locate Paine, David Herold and George Atzerodt to prepare them for an evening they had not expected.

His plan was spontaneous, it was bloody, and it was hellish. Comparing them to soldiers who must avenge their stricken South, he assigned each of them a human target to kill that night — one of a "senate of butchers" most responsible for the South's defeat. Paine would slay Secretary of State William H. Seward who was at home bed-ridden after a carriage accident days earlier; he would make an easy prey. David Herold's quarry was Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton who, Wilkes said, never went out nights. And Atzerodt's target was Vice President Andrew Johnson, who resided at the Kirkwood House, where the German was also staying.

But Wilkes chose for himself the starring role as the Brutus of this play, the man who would take the life of the dictator. He would bring down the Colossus of Rhodes at last.


At about 9:30 p.m. the evening of April 14, that assassin sauntered into the Star Saloon next door to Ford's Theatre and ordered a shot of whisky. Peter Taltavul, the establishment's owner, thought it curious that Wilkes, a habitual brandy drinker, should suddenly order whisky. "Nevermind that," Wilkes smiled. "Do you plan on seeing the show tonight? You ought to. You'll see some damn fine acting!" With that, he checked the wall clock and left.

The President's carriage was parked on 10th Street outside the theatre; Forbes the coachman dozed in the driver's seat. A slight drizzle dampened the streets. Once inside the foyer, Wilkes checked the time again: three-quarters to ten. He nodded at ticket taker John Buckingham and ascended the stairs to the dress circle. From within the auditorium he could hear muffled echoes of stage dialogue. He recognized the lines he knew so well. He knew Our American Cousin; he knew that in Act III, Scene 2 — at any moment now — only one actor would be left alone onstage. That would be his cue.

Across Washington, the other conspirators synchronized their timepieces. Their plan was to strike all at once, to throw the city into confusion, thus making their egress from the city more possible. In Lafayette Square, adjacent to the Seward home, Paine checked his tools of trade: a revolver and a Bowie knife. A few blocks away, David Herold shivered in a fine mist that sent chills through him there in the gloom of Stanton's yard. He gulped, panic tightening his throat. George Atzerodt was drunk. He had no intention of killing anyone. When he discovered his bottle was empty, he left the Kirkwood House in search of the nearest tavern. Damn the Vice President.

Within Box 7, the Lincolns and their evening's guests — Major Henry Rathbone and his imper, Clara Harris — were immersed in the zany goings-on below the balustrade. Lincoln leaned over in his rocker toward the stage and was roaring. Beside him, wife Mary was pleased just to watch her husband finally at ease. Their backs were toward the box door. No one detected their visitor now standing behind them, his hand reaching inside his coat.

It was now time to fell the Colossus of Rhodes. Fifteen feet below, comedian Harry Hawk stood mid-stage, the entire platform his, still howling retorts in the direction of the other characters who had just exited stage right. The house was in stitches.

Wilkes did what he always enjoyed. He stole the scene. In one movement, he drew his derringer, fired a leaden ball into Lincoln's skull, and threw a leg over the balustrade to jump. Major Rathbone, half-realizing what had happened, grappled at the intruder, then recoiled when a dagger slashed his arm.

But the major's action had thrown Wilkes off balance so that, in thrusting himself from the railing, one boot spur tangled with a decorative government flag hanging there. Instead of taking the graceful leap intended, his body twisted sideways until it dropped, deadweight, onto the stage. Harry Hawk turned around at the noise, stunned. The spectators twittered...what is this? What does this have to do with the scenario? Isn't that J. Wilkes Booth?

Something was wrong with his left leg. Wilkes sensed it immediately. The ankle ached like the devil, and it didn't want to support him. Nevertheless, the actor he was, he found time to deliver his line...a phrase actually, the motto of the State of Virginia..."Sic Simper Tyrannis!" Latin for "Thus may it be ever to tyrants!" He turned his back on his last audience and hobbled past an opened-mouthed backstage crew until he reached the alley door where his bay roan waited.

It wasn't until he was gone that the realization of what had happened seeped in. It came in the form of Mary Lincoln's scream for help.

Riding his horse as if it were winged Pegasus in zig-zags though Washington, Wilkes came to the rendezvous point at the Anacostia Bridge. He had told his men to meet him there no later than 10:30 p.m., as he was the only one who knew the direct route to safety. After a few moments, Herold appeared, announcing that his chore was undone. He had rung Stanton's front doorbell; when no one answered, and a passing patrolman began eyeing him suspiciously, he absconded. As for Paine, when he failed to show, Wilkes and Herold rode off. They couldn't tarry lest the soldiers at the bridge might receive a telegraphic warning of the assassination and an order to detain any riders leaving the city.

Wilkes had hoped that when he struck out the South would rally behind him. But, that did not happen. Instead, the Southern heart wept for the man who didn't deserve to be shot in the back of the head. The man who — they could see clearly now that the smoke of battle had cleared — had only stuck to his principles and died for them. Wilkes became not their Brutus, but their blot of shame. John Wilkes Booth became the most hated man in America.

But, for two weeks following the assassination, Wilkes and Herold dodged the detachments of cavalry scouring Maryland and Virginia. In hiding, Wilkes realized he was without friend and turned to the only recourse left to still make him a hero, even posthumously: his diary. In it, he wrote,

"I am in despair. And why? For doing what Brutus was honored for - what made Tell a hero. And yet I, for striking down a greater tyrant than they ever knew, I am looked upon as a common cut-throat. My action was purer than either of theirs...I hoped for no gain. I knew no private wrong. I struck for my country and that alone. A country that groaned beneath this tyranny...and yet now behold the cold hand they extend me...I bless the entire world. Have never harmed or wronged anyone. This last was not a wrong, unless God deems it so..."

By chance, the 27th New York, riding thorough Port Royal, Va., heard about two men fitting Wilkes' and Herold's descriptions who had crossed the Rappahanock River and were staying overnight at a nearby farm owned by Richard Garrett. They surrounded the place before sunrise of April 26 and sought out farmer Garrett. He told them that, as far as he knew, his guests were two weary Confederate soldiers homeward bound, and yes, one of them did walk with a crutch. Garrett pointed to the small tobacco shed where he had put them up. The smell of lilacs permeated the pre-dawn.

Summoned to come out, Wilkes roared back that he would never surrender. The soldiery then knew that they had found their man. David Herold could be heard whimpering from within the unlit shed; after what sounded like debate among the two fugitives, he shuffled out, hands up, into the darkness. Two soldiers grabbed him and drew him into their ranks. Still Wilkes dared the soldiers to come and get him.

Flames splattered the night as several blue uniforms darted forward to toss torches against the shed. Singed tobacco leaves staled the air. The glare of the torchlight punctuated Wilkes' silhouette through the open vents of the hut. "One more stain on the old banner, eh, boys!" the form shouted. Then...a revolver cracked. Against orders to take him alive, one of the troopers shot in anxiety. The silhouette collapsed. On command, the others overtook the shed to drag the body out.

One wonders if perhaps in his final moments, the scent of lilacs in the air, he might have imagined he was a boy again, atop his father's horse Peacock, galloping down Churchville Road, shouting oaths to the dragons encircling him. Or if he dreamed he had the Colossus of Rhodes by the tail. But, one thing is certain. He had enough time to look at his palms and, with the eloquence of a despairing Hamlet, utter "Useless...useless."

JWB: Abraham Lincoln: Tyrant, Hypocrite or Consummate Statesman by Dinesh D'Souza


JWB: Death - Play vs. History vs. Theory


JWB: Diary

After John Wilkes Booth was shot at Garret's form on April 26, 1865, Colonel Everton Conger removed a small red appointment book from Booth's body. The book, which served as Booth's diary, contained a final diary entry, written after the April 14 assassination:

Until today nothing was ever thought of sacrificing to our country's wrongs. For six months we had worked to capture, but our cause being almost lost, something decisive and great must be done. But its failure was owing to others, who did not strike for their country with a heart. I struck boldly, and not as the papers say. I walked with a firm step through a thousand of his friends, was stopped, but pushed on. A colonel was at his side. I shouted Sic semper before I fired. In jumping broke my leg. I passed all his pickets, rode sixty miles that night with the bone of my leg tearing the flesh at every jump. I can never repent it, though we hated to kill. Our country owed all her troubles to him, and God simply made me the instrument of his punishment. The country is not what it was. This forced Union is not what I have loved. I care not what becomes of me. I have no desire to outlive my country. The night before the deed I wrote a long article and left it for one of the editors of the National Intelligencer, in which I fully set forth our reasons for our proceedings. He or the gov'r-

After being hunted like a dog through swamps, woods, and last night being chased by gunboats till I was forced to return wet, cold, and starving, with every man's hand against me, I am here in despair. And why? For doing what Brutus was honored for. What made Tell a hero? And yet I, for striking down a greater tyrant than they ever knew, am looked upon as a common cutthroat. My action was purer than either of theirs. One hoped to be great himself. The other had not only his country's but his own, wrongs to avenge. I hoped for no gain. I knew no private wrong. I struck for my country and that alone. A country that groaned beneath this tyranny, and prayed for this end, and yet now behold the cold hands they extend to me. God cannot pardon me if I have done wrong. Yet I cannot see my wrong, except in serving a degenerate people. The little, the very little, I left behind to clear my name, the Government will not allow to be printed. So ends all. For my country I have given up all that makes life sweet and holy, brought misery upon my family, and am sure there is no pardon in the Heaven for me, since man condemns me so. I have only heard of what has been done (except what I did myself), and it fills me with horror. God, try and forgive me, and bless my mother. Tonight I will once more try the river with the intent to cross. Though I have a greater desire and almost a mind to return to Washington, and in a measure clear my name - which I feel I can do. I do not repent the blow I struck. I may before my God, but not to man. I think I have done well. Though I am abandoned, with the curse of Cain upon me, when, if the world knew my heart, that one blow would have made me great, though I did desire no greatness. Tonight I try to escape these bloodhounds once more. Who, who can read his fate? God's will be done. I have too great a soul to die like a criminal. Oh, may He, may He spare me that, and let me die bravely. I bless the entire world. Have never hated or wronged anyone. This last was not a wrong, unless God deems it so, and it's with Him to damn or bless me. As for this brave boy with me, who often prays (yes, before and since) with a true and sincere heart - was it crime in him? If so, why can he pray the same?

I do not wish to shed a drop of blood, but 'I must fight the course.' 'Tis all that's left to me.

President Ronald Reagan

President Richard Nixon

President Franklin D. Roosevelt

President William McKinley

President Abraham Lincoln

President John F. Kennedy

JWB: Sic Semper Tyrannis

Great Seal of Virginia with the state motto.
Sic semper tyrannis is a Latin phrase meaning "thus always to tyrants". It is sometimes mistranslated as "death to tyrants". It is most known as the official motto of Virginia and for its usage during the assassinations of Julius Caesar and Abraham Lincoln.


The phrase was recommended by George Mason to the Virginia Convention in 1776, as part of the state's seal. The Seal of the Commonwealth of Virginia shows Virtue, spear in hand, with her foot on the prostrate form of Tyranny, whose crown lies nearby. The Seal was planned by Mason and designed by George Wythe, who signed the United States Declaration of Independence and taught law to Thomas Jefferson.[1] Additionally, the phrase is the motto of the United States Navy attack submarine named for the state, the USS Virginia. The phrase is also the motto of the U.S. city Allentown, the third largest city in Pennsylvania, and is referenced in the official state song of Maryland.


The phrase is attributed to Marcus Junius Brutus, the most famous figure in the assassination of Julius Caesar on March 15, 44 BC: however, it is more probably a later dramatic invention, as Roman historians of the period did not record it. In American history, John Wilkes Booth shouted the phrase after shooting President Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865, in part because of the association with the assassination of Caesar.[2][3] Timothy McVeigh was wearing a T-shirt with this phrase and a picture of Lincoln on it when he was arrested on April 19, 1995, the day of the Oklahoma City bombing.[4]
